Existence of advanced UFOs 'beyond reasonable doubt'


Luis Elizondo, who quit as head of the Advanced Threat Identification Programme (AATIP) two months ago, warned nations asking them "to be conscious" of the potential threat posed by UFOs.

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London: There have been many debates surrounding the existence of UFOs and aliens.
But, according to a former Pentagon official, the presence of an alien craft on earth has been proved "beyond reasonable doubt," according to The Telegraph.

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Luis Elizondo, who quit as head of the Advanced Threat Identification Programme (AATIP) two months ago, warned nations asking them "to be conscious" of the potential threat posed by UFOs.

He said, "In my opinion, if this was a court of law, we have reached the point of 'beyond reasonable doubt'. I hate to use the term UFO but that's what we're looking at. I think it's pretty clear this is not us, and it's not anyone else, so one has to ask the question where they're from."

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A number of details about the project remain classified but Mr Elizondo revealed that considerable work had gone into the project - sufficient enough to map patterns of behaviour.

He ran the Advanced Threat Identification Program, funded with GBP 16.5 million, from his office in the Pentagon.

The team identified movements and trends that were not like anything else "in the world".
They also discovered "hotspots" during their investigation, which were often near nuclear facilities and power plants.

Describing the findings, Mr Elizondo noted, "Extreme manoeuvrability, hyper-sonic velocity without a sonic boom, speeds of 7-8,000mph, no flight surfaces on the objects. A lot of this is backed with radar signal data, gun camera footage from aircraft, multiple witnesses."

The Pentagon said funding for AATIP ended in 2012, but Mr Elizondo said his team's UFO work carried on for another five years.(ANI)

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