Genes don't affect consumption of calories?
Excess weight and obesity have become a global health problem. A large number of adults are overweight which is primarily due to the modern lifestyle which is characterized by low physical activity and intake of high-calorie foods.

Washington DC: A new study has revealed that there is no clear evidence showing the effect of genetic factors on the consumption of total calories, carbohydrates and fats.
According to the researchers at Technical University of Munich (TUM) the expedience of gene-based dietary recommendations is yet to be proven.
Excess weight and obesity have become a global health problem. A large number of adults are overweight which is primarily due to the modern lifestyle which is characterized by low physical activity and intake of high-calorie foods.
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Also, genetic factors play a role in the occurrence of obesity. To date, around a hundred genes (loci) have been identified which are related to the body mass index (BMI).
However, the functioning of these genes, as well as the biological mechanisms behind them, are still largely unknown.
"In all studies, we most frequently encountered the fat mass and obesity (FTO) associated gene as well as the melanocortin 4 receptor gene (MC4R). There are indications of a relationship between these two genes and total energy intake," explained Christina Holzapfel, a researcher.
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The study, therefore concluded that there exist no indications that certain genetic factors are associated with the total intake of calories, carbohydrates, and fat.
The findings appeared in the Journal of Advances in Nutrition. (ANI)